WEEK 2 & 3

WEEK 2 & 3

Ok so last week we didn’t have class, (so I guess this is technically week 3?) which gave me a chance to catch up on the reading assignments. One thing I forgot to mention in my week 1 blog was that I actually rather enjoy that we get to use blogging to express our thoughts.

I think while yes I do have an underlying fear of “Oh gosh, are my blogs going to sound smart enough?” I really enjoy this set up because its always been pretty hard for me to speak up in class. So yes yay for blogs.

On to this week though!

One part I found really interesting was the “medium is the message” conversation that was briefly touched on. I guess that means that, what you’re using to communicate with someone is more important than the message itself? Or it speaks for it in a way. Im not sure if thats right. So, email or text vs a phone call. A phone call you’re probably communicating a lot more information than if you just send one text. But some people are much more comfortable through messaging? I don’t know. Im planning on researching this a bit more, my thoughts are a bit jumbled right now. I don’t know if this is even an example but sometimes friends that I have that primarily communicate through text happen to call me or even video call me I think about THAT instead of what they actually are saying to me. Like “oH? you’re calling me, maybe you have something more personal to say?” I’ve even asked “are you ok?” to friends before that have called me. Sometimes they just say they decided to call instead and didn’t even really think about why, but the discussion in class just made me think of this. I don’t know, I told you my thoughts are jumbled.

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