last thoughts

I think one of the most interesting parts of Carr’s book to me came at the very beginning, in the conversation about neuroplasticity. “It comes as no suprise that neuroplasticity has been linked to mental afflictions ranging from depression to obsessive-compulsive disorder to tinnitus. The more a sufferer concentrates on his symptoms, the deeper those symptoms are etched into his neural circuits. In the worst cases, the mind essentially trains itself to be sick.” I dont know where to even dive in with that. I myself suffer from severe obsessive compulsive disorder so i wanted to say SOMETHING on it. I dont know why my brain feels like i have to. it for some reason reminded me a lot of an article i read about leonardo dicapro training for his role in the film the aviator. he himself didnt suffer from the disease, but on set they tried to get him to “train his brain to be sick” and even tried to claim he walked away with a mild form of the disorder, only to recover. the article claimed this was an example of neuroplasticity, the brains ability to change its functions. i really dont buy that. maybe its just because of my own personal struggle. maybe its my limited knowledge of neuroplasticity, but im not sure its that easy to just adopt a disease. i dont know. 

neuroplasticity tied in to the book in that Carr believes the adverse effects of becoming addicted to technology, addicted to the motions can be reversed. so, if technology is truly changing our brains, to be lazy, to lack a strong attention span, this can all be reverted. 

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