So, this week was pretty intense. I really have no idea where to begin.

I guess first off I really had no idea just how long minstrel shows went on for.

I know these blogs should have a level of professionalism so I REALLY shouldn’t swear but I’m really just so ******* repulsed at America’s complete and utter dehumanization of black people.

I still really have no idea exactly what to talk about in this blog. I think I’m just angry, mainly. My previous blogs have been pretty long but this one may be a bit short. And repetitive. My mind is moving but I can’t seem to get my hands to.

A lot of the pictures we looked at in class made me sick. I’ve learned about blackface before but just seeing so many more examples and how long its been going on just UGH. And seeing just how many big “Hollywood stars” partook… Judy Garland.. and even recently Robert Downey Jr. I don’t know. Im still avoiding the urge to swear.

I’m glad a lot of people spoke up about this topic, and how sickening it is that there are still some people that exist that see nothing wrong with minstrel shows. I wish I would have spoken up in class and that I had more to say for this week.

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